
var sc_project=12766302; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security="13362047"; " class="i34">


1. Learn More on Astrobiology

2. Our site will go through some transformations in the next 7 days. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

3. Leave a message on our Wall

4. The AstroBio Contest is about to start. The first challenge will be announced on the 15th of May 2023.


The first part of our project proposed to the greater public a walk path through the Botanic Garden in the shape of the Big Dipper (Ursa major) Constellation. This walk path was open to the public July through October 2022. The walk path has 6 intermediary stations highlighted on the map with interconnected stars. The red stars on the map mark the stations where the exhibition posters are placed. The theme of our exhibition is astrobiology the science that searches for life in the universe. The blue star on the map indicates an intermediary point on the walk path where you can interact with the organisers of the project. The pink star highlights the position of the Astronomical Observatory with regard to the ExoWorld Walk Exhibition, whereas the disconnected line indicates that although the Observatory is not part of the walk path proposed, it runs astronomy outreach programs relevant to the theme of our project (https://www.ubbcluj.ro/en/structura/unitati/observatorul_astronomic). The yellow star on the map indicates the location of the overview poster which contains general information on the exhibition, the walk path and the entire project.

If You did not have a chance to explore this walk path, please know that we are currently working on extending this project and organising a tour of the exhibition in different locations in the country. We will keep you posted!

We are happy to announce that the FIRST Astrobiology Workshop in a series of 6 will take place on

12th of May 2023, 16:00

 At the Hunedoara County Library in Deva  

You are all welcome!

Launch of the ExoWalk Path

28 July 2022

Launch of the ExoWalk Website

11 April 2022

Apart from the walk path  and the exhibition în the Botanic Garden of Cluj-Napoca, our project includes more educational and recreational activities on our website and within the Astrobiology Workshop. Follow our website for more details!!!